About the Office

The National Security Council’s Office provides information-analytical and organizational support to the National Security Council.
The Council’s Office is a politically neutral, special regime body working on classified and other types of information.
Key functions:
Information-analytical support to the National Security Council, its Secretary and the Prime Minister of Georgia
- The Council’s Office regularly prepares information-analytical documents in the fields of national security policy, such as: state defence, external security, internal security, socio-economic security, ecological and energy security, civil security, information security, law and order.
Planning and coordination of the national security policy
- The Council’s Office coordinates elaboration process of national-level conceptual documents under the auspices of Interagency Standing Commission on Coordination of the Development of the National-level Conceptual Documents and with the support of respective interagency working groups. The Office assesses risks/challenges facing the security of the country and through considering unified governmental approach merges the positions of different agencies.
Crisis management at the strategic (political) level
- The National Crisis Management Center (Department) operates within the Council’s Office. Among other activities, it ensures the functioning of the National Situation Room. In case of national-level crisis, the Council’s Office activates the National Situation Room based on the decision of the Prime-Minister.
Main directions:
- Information-analytical support to the Council on the issues related to the national security policy;
- Identification, assessment, analysis and prediction of relevant threats and challenges;
- Monitoring and analysis of the situation in the occupied territories of Georgia;
- Organizing and coordinating the process of developing national-level conceptual documents in the security field;
- Cooperation with relevant agencies on a daily basis in order to ensure the rapid exchange of information and creation of high-quality analytical products;
- Preparation of relevant minutes of the Council’s meetings;
- Ensuring the functioning of the National Situation Room for the Prime-Minister of Georgia in order to manage the crisis threatening national interests;
- Coordination of specific projects in certain areas: a) reform in the field of Critical Infrastructure Protection b) cyber security c) combating hybrid threats d) elaboration of strategic vision in the context of Black Sea security and strengthening relevant directions through specific projects.