Department of Internal and External Security Affairs
- The Department studies and analyses internal and foreign policy issues in national security dimension, as well as important socio-economic processes in the country and current situation in the energy sector;
- With this aim, the Department studies and analyses hybrid threats facing the country, in this regard elaborates scenarios for possible developments and assesses relevant challenges, risks and threats. It examines issues related to extremism and terrorism, fighting against separatism, state border management, law and order, the occupied territories and other relevant areas;
- Within its competence, the Department submits proposals and recommendations to the leadership of the Office in order to prevent and respond to certain internal and foreign political, as well as socio-economic, energy and hybrid threats;
- Within its competence, the department also develops recommendations on strategic communication in the field of national security, ensures planning and coordination of unified internal and external security policy. Furthermore, it prepares / provides recommendations on Georgia’s international cooperation in the field of national security;
- The Department is involved in organizing and coordinating development of national-level conceptual documents, as well as in coordination of individual projects in different fields:
- The Department of Internal and External Security Affairs of the National Security Council’s Office consists of the following four structural units: the division of internal security affairs; the division of external security affairs; the division of socio-economic and energy security affairs; the division of hybrid threats.
Defence Department
- The Defence Department, within its competence, provides informational and analytical support to the Council by examining current defence sphere, assessing and analyzing military threats facing Georgia;
- Prepares proposals and recommendations on defence matters for Council’s meetings;
- Drafts proposals on preventing and eliminating outcomes of the separate cases that include threats and risks;
- Analyses proposals on Georgia’s engagement in maintaining international security and country’s cooperation with NATO;
- Prepares recommendations on Georgia’s contribution to security endeavors outside the country;
- Reviews and discusses issues related to the Defence Forces;
- Within its competence, prepares recommendations on declaring martial law in the country;
- Participates in elaboration, organization and coordination process of the national level conceptual documents;
- Defence Department closely cooperates with National Security Council’s Foreign Advisory Group on Defence and Security Matters and within its competence coordinates implementation of separate projects.
Department of Information and Cybersecurity
- The Department coordinates state unified information and cybersecurity policy planning and execution;
- Within the framework of the mentioned function, the Department monitors implementation status of the National Cybersecurity Action Plan activities and coordinates further realization thereof;
- The Department ensures interagency and coordinated response to the critical cybersecurity incidents on national level;
- The Department receives and analyzes cyber threat intelligence data from sectoral agencies and based thereon prepares relevant response projects/plans for the Prime Minister of Georgia to be implemented on highest political level;
- The Department in agreement with relevant sectoral agency(ies) can engage in actual handling process of the computer incident in case of high probability of further and dangerous escalation of this event;
- The Department coordinates mitigation of the results of cybersecurity incidents on the national level together with the measures aimed at increasing cyber resilience of the country against such malign events;
- The Department ensures implementation of the information security requirements imposed on the Office of the National Security Council given its status as the “Critical Information Infrastructure Subject” in line with the Law “On Information Security”
National Crisis Management Center (Department)
- Center, within its scope of operation, ensures elaboration and delivery to the Prime Minister of Georgia of the recommendations on the set of measures necessary to support the management of all types of national level crisis situations posing threat to the national security;
- Center ensures coordination of elaborating action plans to manage all types of national level crisis situations posing threat to the national security, as well as, during the crisis provides effective organizing and management of multiagency coordination process;
- Center ensures analytical and organizational support to the Secretary of the Council and the Prime Minister of Georgia on the matters of civil protection, provides national security policy planning and coordination within the field of civil protection, as well as, elaborates recommendations on prevention of and response to natural, man-made, ecological and climate related disaster risks;
- Center is highly involved in organization and coordination of elaboration process of national level conceptual documents, as well as, it is involved in coordination of various projects in different fields of civil protection.
Administrative Department
- Ensures organizational support for the Council’s Office, particularly, organizes the meetings of the National Security Council, prepares draft agenda and informs the participants of the meeting, as well as keeps the minutes of the meetings;
- Provides protocol service of the Office and conducts public relations of the Council/Office;
- Ensures protection of secrecy regime and carries out classified/unclassified record keeping;
- Conducts legal, financial, logistic and technical support for the Council’s Office;
- Takes responsibility in HR recruitment/management within the National Security Council’s Office;
- Is authorized to carry out other activities provided by law