National Cybersecurity Strategy of Georgia and its Action Plan have been approved
7 October 2021
The national-level conceptual document “Georgia’s National Cybersecurity Strategy” for 2021-2024 and its Action Plan were approved by the Government of Georgia.
Considering the implementation period of the Strategy, the document sets out 4 priority goals, namely: 1. Development of cyberculture among information society and organizations and their capacity building; 2. Resilience of cybersecurity governance system / framework and enhancement of public-private partnership (PPP); 3. Enhancing cyber capabilities with strong cyber workforce and relevant technical support; 4. Strengthening Georgia’s position, as a net contributor to cybersecurity, on the international plane. In order to achieve the abovementioned goals, the Action Plan of the Strategy outlines specific activities, the implementation of which is the responsibility of the respective agencies.
In Georgia, coordination of the elaboration process of the 3rd National Cybersecurity Strategy and its Action Plan has been ensured, since 2021, by the National Security Council’s Office. The respective final draft documents were elaborated within the framework of the Georgian Cross Government Cyber (GCGC) Working Group.
The Strategy and its Action Plan were elaborated in an inclusive working format, with the involvement of different stakeholders. The abovementioned documents were drafted in close cooperation with relevant agencies, as well as the representatives of civil society and private sector, taking into consideration the best international practice and local expertise.
The British Embassy in Tbilisi and the UK experts supporting the implementation of the cybersecurity reform in Georgia with a special program, made an outstanding contribution to the elaboration process of Georgia’s National Cybersecurity Strategy and its Action Plan.
This summer, a session of the Permanent Interagency Commission (at the National Security Council) on Coordination of Elaboration of National-level Conceptual Documents was held. One of the agenda items, at the session, was the consideration of the respective draft documents, i.e. Georgia’s National Cybersecurity Strategy and its Action Plan. The decision was made, by the Commission, to submit the abovementioned documents, to the Government of Georgia, for their approval.